Normally I am on the opposite side of any Bulls article written by Jay Mariotti, a beat writer for the Chicago Sun-Times. This article, however, is different. It is nice read if you can get around his ever present contempt for ownership and management that is!
He is right about two things.
1. Get a good coach, sooner than later.
He makes some good points with the recent signings of head coaches by teams such as Charlotte, Dallas, New York, to mention a few. They signed their candidates within hrs of talking to them!
It is also important to have a coach, before the NBA draft. I think we need a coach that can discuss with John the type of game they want the Bulls to play next year, then make some draft night trades(should we go even younger) or have the coach there for second round pick!
A coach needs to be in place for the summer leagues that are to follow just days after the draft.
2. Draft Rose. Beasley is a talent. I admit that, but we have young talent in the front court already! Gooden is no stiff! Thomas and Noah are young and have potential to be very good players. Then there is Grey! A pleasant surprise in the sound round last summer!
Rose has the speed and game to make Bulls player better. Talented point guards do so much for their teams! New Orleans, Phoenix, and Utah can vouch for that. Rose is strong and gets the basket a lot! That is something this team has needed for a very long time. Good things happen when pt guards penetrate!
Tell me what you thing after you read
Jay's article.